It’s Gratitude baby!
So you’ve been trying every manifestation technique in the book and still struggling to manifest your desires. Don't worry, because I've got some good news for you. The key to successful manifestation is something you probably have access to right now. No, it's not a secret potion or a magic spell. It's gratitude, baby!
Gratitude is like a superpower when it comes to manifestation. It sends out a powerful vibration into the universe that attracts more positive experiences into your life. Let me break it down for you:
Gratitude Shifts Your Focus When you're feeling down in the dumps, it's easy to focus on all the things that are going wrong in your life. But that negative focus only creates more negativity. Gratitude shifts your focus to what's going right, no matter how small it may seem. By focusing on the positive, you create a more positive vibration that attracts even more positivity into your life.
Gratitude Increases Your Vibration Did you know that you're made up of energy? And everything in the universe is made up of energy too, including your desires. When you're feeling grateful, your vibration increases, which means you're sending out a more powerful signal to the universe. And what does the universe do? It responds by sending you more positive experiences.
Gratitude Helps You Let Go of Resistance Resistance is like a pesky little roadblock on the path to manifestation. It's the feeling of not being worthy or deserving of what you want. Gratitude helps you let go of that resistance by focusing on what you already have. When you appreciate what you have, you become more open to receiving even more goodness in your life.
So, how can you start cultivating gratitude in your life? Here are a few tips:
Start a Gratitude Journal Grab a notebook and jot down three things you're grateful for every day. They can be as big as landing your dream job or as small as a good cup of coffee. The act of writing them down will help you focus on the good things in your life.
Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment. When you're mindful, you're able to fully appreciate the experiences you're having right now. And that appreciation leads to gratitude.
Say Thank You Say thank you as often as possible. Not just to people who hold the door open for you, but to the universe too. Show your appreciation for all the good things in your life, and watch as even more good things come your way.
In conclusion, gratitude is the key to successful manifestation. Start practicing gratitude today and see how quickly your desires start to manifest in your life. Trust me, it's like magic!
Be Abundant and Happy As F**K, and make sure you thank the universe at the same time.
Sarah xx